Role: Director, Art Director

Underneath a sky-replacing ocean, humans have endured a harsh life, dominated by sharp cliffs and the dim light spent by the Lumathans – giant sea creatures they worship. But all of this is about to change when they finally find a way to reach their gods.

The Deep Above is a visionary world-building endeavor that I initiated alongside five founding members. Together, we crafted a distinct universe, aimed at exposing contemporary societal issues. Positioned within the climate fiction genre, The Deep Above boldly poses the pivotal question: What is the price of progress?


The Deep Above – Last Lights

When a Lumathan appears in the skies over her hometown – an event unprecedented in her lifetime – a reckless young huntress travels up the mountains. Her quest: Kill the creature and bring its light back to her village. On her journey she discovers the harrowing effects the hunt has on the world around her and ultimately… her own family.